Frequently Asked Questions 2023-24 - Cub Scouts Pack 246 

1. What is Cub Scouts?

Cub Scouts  (and the Scouts BSA) program is a youth leadership program.  The goal of Cub Scouting is to develop future leaders via Character Development, Confidence Building, Outdoor Experiences, and FUN!!!  Cubs learn to “do your best” and begin learning what is needed to be prepared for life.

Cub Scout Pack 246 is a Family Cub Scouting Pack. This means, both girls and boys are welcome.  Registration is open to children in grades K-5.  The majority of our families have children attending local Pacific Beach schools.

Scouts BSA has a great video to answer basic questions about Cub Scouting including what the difference is between a Pack and a Den.

VIDEO:  Welcome to Cub Scouting! - Lion

2. Where Do You Meet? Do I Need to Attend All the Meetings?

Our pack has several different types of meetings :

  • Pack Meetings (family, once monthly): This is held once a month and it is when the entire pack meets together. This typically occurs on the 4th Thursday of the month. However, during the months of November and December, we may shift this to accommodate the holidays and winter break schedules. Meetings will be held at St. Brigid Parish, but location subject to change.

  • Den Meetings (family, 6-8 meetings/year):  Each den will meet typically once a month in order to complete den requirements. Individual dens may choose to meet more frequently. Cubs may not be able to make it to every den meeting and can complete the requirements on their own.  Please check with your den leader for meeting time and location.

  • Pack Committee Meetings (parent(s), once monthly): These evening meetings are held once a month, typically on the 1st Thursday of the month. These meetings are vital to running the Pack. All parents are invited to join, particularly those in key leadership positions. We have been holding these meetings via Zoom.

  • Pack group events (family, variable): This includes events such as pack-sponsored weekend camping, community volunteering and events, other outdoor adventures, Cub competitions (Raingutter Regatta, Pinewood Derby), and more. These are typically held on weekends spread out throughout the year, usually not more than once a month. 

Your family should attend as many meetings and gatherings as your schedule allows. Nothing is required in cub scouts, but we found that cubs get more out of scouting by attending and participating in the programming. And parents like to hang out together and help each other.  If you find that our pack meeting schedule does not work for your family, then you could consider looking for another pack nearby that has different meeting times.

3. What Den will my Scout be in?

Dens are arranged by age & school grade.  The den names (and ranks they are working towards) are as follows:

For More Cub Scouts Advancement Trail Info.

For more information regarding Cub Scout Awards Click Here.

4. What is the difference between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA?

The primary difference between the two is the age groups.  The Cub Scout program is for Kindergarten to 5th grade (5yr – 10.5yr), whereas Scouts BSA (formerly “Boy Scouts”) is designed for older Scouts 6th grade and above (11yr – 18yr).

Additionally, Cub Scouting is “parent led”.  Parents and leaders are fully engaged in each activity and outing, leading and teaching the young scouts in the pack.

Scouts BSA, on the other hand, is “Scout led”.  The older scouts teach the skills, lead their patrols (the Scouts BSA version of dens), and impart the Scouting Principles to the younger scouts.  Adult leaders are there to help and advise the older scouts.

The Webelos (a portmanteau of “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts”) program in Cub Scouting serves as a transition between Cub Scouting and Scouts BSA.  Webelos begin to learn more tangible scouting skills like camping and cooking.

Webelos are expected to be more independent.  They are able to camp as a den (other dens are only able to camp as part of a pack event), and the Arrow of Light (Webelos 2nd year) group will even do some camping with local Scouts BSA Troops.

5. How much does this cost? What is included in the cost? 

The 2023 Pack 246 Dues are $90.  National and Local Council dues are $150. There is a one time joining fee of $25 and an option for Scout's Life Magazine $15/year.

These costs are broken down as follows:

One year of National Council BSA Dues*  


One year of local San Diego Council Dues*  


Scout’s Life Magazine ($15/yr/cub)*   
Council One Time Joining Fee*
Council online administrative registration fee* 
Pack Recharter and Committee Dues (shared)
Pack Sponsored programming and supplies
TOTAL :   $281


  • *These costs are fixed.

  • The pack is charged a once yearly rechartering fee so that we may continue as a pack. Adult Committee Members are the core members who are registered with the BSA in order for us to continue as a chartered organization through the BSA. It includes the Core Pack Committee members, and the Den Leaders. Any extra funds for these set charges will be put back into the pack programming.

  • Pack Sponsored Events and supplies includes Pinewood Derby and Raingutter Regatta equipment, adventure rank belt loops, rank advancement badges, and other budgeted items such as our Blue and Gold banquet and bridging events.

  • Your National and Local dues allow your child to become a member of the BSA, opening up opportunities to low cost camps, camping trips, and other fun council-sponsored family activities planned throughout the year.

6. Are there any other costs? What is not included?

  1. Pack sponsored weekend events such as weekend camping trips and going to a sporting event are priced individually depending on the event. 

  2. There will continue to be a one-time required BSA $25 joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts. However, there is no joining fee for Exploring participants, participants previously registered (within the last 5-years) in any BSA program, those transferring from one program to another, council-paid memberships, or adult volunteers. 

  3. Cub Scout uniforms - this is a necessary part of scouting and we request that scouts wear their class A uniform to pack/den events. These can be purchased at the San Diego BSA Store (1207 Upas Street) or There are many cubs in our pack who are willing to pass on parts of their uniform and other supplies from year to year through the pack.

7.  Fundraising : What is Popcorn Sales and what is expected of us?

BSA’s annual fundraiser comes in the form of popcorn sales.  These sales are vital to the financial bottom line of the pack and reduces costs to Cub families in the rechartering process. In the past, we have used any additional funds raised to support our camping trips, den meetings, purchase of cub scout handbooks, fund our annual banquet, craft event, capital pack-owned equipment, and more.

Each cub is expected to try his/her best to participate in popcorn sales in the Fall. There are opportunities for badges, gift cards and other prizes depending on the amount your cub is able to raise. Fundraising in one of the ways your cub will develop confidence and leadership skills.

8. This sounds like so much fun! How can my family get involved?

Our Pack values the talents and skills of our parents and encourages as much participation as you are willing to give. Your involvement in the pack will give back what you put into it. We welcome your ideas and participation at all levels. 

Parent involvement is needed at all levels. When joining our pack, please plan to volunteer for :

  • One den specific event (eg, helping to fulfill one of your cub’s den’s requirements) 

  • Assisting at one pack specific event per your interest (eg, signing up to help organize a camping trip, group event, community event, pack adventure, popcorn sales).

We also welcome and highly encourage additional leadership involvement. The BSA provides multiple free or low cost and fun opportunities to become leader trained.

9. When and how should I sign my child up for cub scouts?

We encourage you to sign up as soon as you feel that you would like to join us for the year. For some families, this is right away. For others, coming to one or two pack meetings before deciding is necessary. To fully participate in our scheduled events and get signed up for regular pack communications, we do require that you officially sign up by submitting an application to the BSA (see instructions below).

Instructions to sign up your cub scout (fee) or to sign up as an adult volunteer (free) for Pack 246: 

You will need to set up a new account on  in order to sign up.

Then follow the directions below. 

To sign up your cub scout up for Pack 246 Pacific Beach  :


Or scan the QR code below:

You will need to set up a new account on  before proceeding further. 

Sign up your scout or yourself as an adult by completing the requested information.

When you sign up your cub, you will need to pay online the national and local dues as well as the $25 first time registration fee.

This is prorated based on the month you sign up and predetermined by BSA. Subscribing to Scout Life Magazine is optional (we recommend subscribing because it is fun reading for your scout) and is an additional $15/year. 

Please let us know when you sign up so that our treasurer can let you know what the cost for the 2023 year will be based on what you already paid. Depending on when you signed up, you may have already paid some of the following year’s dues. Otherwise, the cost for annual pack dues for the 2023 calendar year is $210/year (or the amount decided upon by the Pack Committee) as delineated in FAQ #5 above.

When you continue with our pack, the pack dues for your individual scout will be collected in the late Fall prior to our pack recharter.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us :

Leadership Volunteers 

  • Jennifer Wu             Pack Committee Chair - 
  • John Settles            Cubmaster -
  • Corey Hausman      Assistant Cubmaster 
  • Ann Anderson         Pack Treasurer
  • Leslie Seymour       Pack Trainer
  • Kristina Waite          Pack Secretary

Please Let Others Know About Us !

Scouting is more fun with friends! 

Feel free to get the word out to others who would enjoy Cub Scouts. Share information about our pack via our website, on social media or at school! Wherever your friends are!

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